
International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) was held on Saturday, 3 December 2022, with the theme being: Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fueling an accessible and equitable world. 

In Australia, IDPwD celebrates the contributions and achievements of the 4.4 million Australians with disability, both visible and invisible. Across Australia, organisations have been hosting events and facilitating discussions around people with disability this month. 

IDPwD Resources and Ambassadors 

Australia funds a national program and website for IDPwD to help promote and raise awareness of this day, in addition to appointing Ambassadors for 2022. IDPwD provides a community event calendar, information kits, and resources to help organisations recognise and celebrate IDPwD.  The 2022 Ambassadors shared their stories and perspectives in a series of videos and posts 

IDPwD Events and Announcements 

A number of governments and organisations aligned events and announcements to the occasion, including: 

IDPwD Stories and Content 

ABC News’s partnership with IDPwD Australia, produced a wide range of content across their media platforms from 19 November to 10 December, including stories about invisible disability, disability pride, accessibility and inclusion: 

Many organisations took the opportunity to publish stories and content from, about, and around issues of people with disability. Many articles highlighted issues through lived experiences and perspectives from people with disability: 

IDPwD Commentary and Calls to Action

  • People With Disability Australia published a call for meaningful action and highlighted the danger of a single story, in their media release: IDPwD: A day to take action. “[PWDA calls] for solutions that will ensure people with disability are included at all levels of society to transform and enable inclusive and accessible progress,” said PWDA President Nicole Lee. 
  • Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS) in NSW: The ‘Making Rights Real Group and Friends produced a short video which highlights some very important reminders about rights. 

IDPwD: More than a celebration

While Australia took the opportunity to celebrate, reflect, and connect around IDPwD this year, many took the opportunities to reflect, discuss, and look to solutions for important issues identified the disability community and sector. The Australian Government drew attention to the significance of the day to promote substantive change in a joint statement with the Ministers for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Social Services: International Day of People with Disability is more than a celebration. “While IDPwD is a day to celebrate, it is also an important reminder to Australians that breaking down barriers and encouraging a more inclusive and respectful society is everyone’s responsibility,” The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP said.

We hope that the conversations started by IDPwD continue and contribute to meaningful change and the breaking down of barriers for people with disability every day of the year.