NDIS Independent Expert Review Program

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) are working to improve their early dispute resolution processes and the external review experience. Find out more detail about the Independent Expert Review program on the NDIS website.


What is the Independent Expert Review Program?

The Independent Expert Review (IER) program involves an Independent Expert reviewing a matter that a participant has already sought to have reviewed externally (an external review of an NDIA decision).

An Independent Expert will review the matter and may meet with the participant in the process.

The Independent Expert will make a non-binding recommendation as to the appropriate outcome of the matter.

The IER is a free, voluntary and confidential process that will be conducted within the current legislative requirements of the NDIS Act and Rules.

The Department of Social Services (DSS) is funding advocacy and legal support through the ‘NDIS Appeals Program’ for participants who are invited by the Agency to have their AAT application considered through the IER program. (Find IER advice and advocacy in your state or territory).

The Agency can also provide general information about the IER program. Enquiries can be made by email to independentexpertreview@ndis.gov.au.


Information line

If you have received an invitation to participate in the IER program, you may wish to contact the Independent Expert Review Advice Service (IERAS).

The IERAS is a free, national legal advice service that can support people with disability, their families and carers participating in the IER process.

The IERAS is an initiative of National Legal Aid  and can provide information, advice and referral to an advocate (NDIS Appeals advocate) and/or a lawyer in your state/territory.

You can contact the IERAS by telephone on 1800 441 800 or by email to ieradvice@legalaid.qld.gov.au



There are several informative resources available on the NDIS website and National Legal Aid platforms, including:




Organisations around Australia who deliver NDIS Appeals advocacy reported increasing and often overwhelming levels of demand during late 2021 and early 2022:

IER Oversight Committee

There is an IER Oversight Committee to monitor the implementation, processes and outcomes of the Independent Expert Review program. The Committee will ensure:

  • reviews are conducted independently of the NDIA
  • perspectives of the disability sector are embedded in the Independent Expert Review process
  • transparency on progress and outcomes of the Independent Expert Review program.

DANA CEO, Jeff Smith, is one of eight independent members on the IER Oversight Committee.

Communiques from meetings are published on the NDIA website: