Strategic Plan

DANA Strategic Plan 2023-2025

Who we are:

 DANA is the national representative body for a network of independent disability advocacy organisations throughout Australia. Established in 2008, DANA’s members are community-based organisations that advocate for and with people with disability. DANA maintains strong links with the Australian state and territory disability advocacy networks and with the peak representative organisations for people with disabilities. 

Our Vision:

DANA’s vision is of a nation that includes and values people with disabilities and respects human rights for all. 

Our Purpose:

DANA’s purpose is to strengthen, support and provide a collective voice for independent disability advocacy organisations across Australia that advocates for and with people with disability. 

We achieve this by

  • promoting the role and value of independent disability advocacy 

  • providing a collective voice for our members 

  • providing communication and information sharing between disability advocacy organisations 

  • providing support and development for members, staff and volunteers of disability advocacy organisations 

  • building the evidence base to demonstrate the value of disability advocacy 

  • promoting the human rights, needs, value and diversity of people with disabilities.

Key Focus Areas

1. Lead & Strengthen

Provide a leadership role for the collective voice of independent disability advocacy organisations Australia-wide. 

Support adequate and recurrent funding of the disability advocacy sector nationally 

Advocate for systemic changes to uphold the rights of people with disability 

2. Communication & Connection

Provide expertise on the issues that affect the disability advocacy sector 

Develop and strengthen partnerships to enhance our work 

Undertake and uphold co-design and collaboration in our work 

3. Promote and Strengthen

Promote the benefits of independent disability advocacy 

Support building the capacity and resilience of the disability advocacy sector 

4. Sustainable professional organisation

Build a sustainable professional organisation that supports its purpose and values 

Demonstrate and promote an outcomes approach in all that we do


Read the full DANA Strategic Plan here: DANA Strategic Plan 2023 – 2025

Previous DANA Strategic Plans can be viewed here:
DANA Strategic Plan 2022-25 (Rolling)
DANA Strategic Plan 2021-24 

DANA Constitution

DANA’s Constitution specifies the rules of governance, including those for the DANA board, the election of directors, and membership and associate membership. It was last amended on 26 November 2024.

Read the full DANA Constitution here.