Disability Royal Commission category

Rights, Safety, Quality – Voices of Advocacy

Rights, Safety, Quality – Voices of Advocacy

Listening to advocates speak and give examples during online discussions and workshops facilitated by DANA in 2020 and 2021 underscored how knowledgeable disability advocates are about the experiences of people with disability interacting with complex and flawed systems of service delivery and reporting and complaints mechanisms. This document collates the de-identified direct quotes of advocates under themes relevant to the expansive topic of “safeguards and quality services”. Its structure is influenced by the phrasing of questions and topics identified in the DRC Issues paper on ‘Safeguards and quality’, published in November 2020.  This lengthy document reflects just a fraction of the insights and experiences of advocates and independent advocacy organisations in their work upholding the rights of many individuals with disability around Australia.

Read more about Rights, Safety, Quality – Voices of Advocacy

Independent disability advocacy – DANA submission to the DRC

Independent disability advocacy – DANA submission to the DRC

The DANA submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (the Royal Commission) about independent disability advocacy is informed by the collective knowledge and experience of member organisations. In addition to exploring the context, key barriers and challenges for the disability advocacy sector, this submission outlines our recommendations to support fulfilling the obligations inherent in the implementation of the purpose and principles of Australia’s Disability Strategy (2021-2031) and National Disability Advocacy Framework (2022-2025) to achieve desired outcomes for people with disability throughout Australia. In particular, the recommendations seek to eliminate their risks of experiencing violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation

Read more about Independent disability advocacy – DANA submission to the DRC

Disability advocates call for deeper examination of issues as Disability Royal Commission submissions come to an end

Disability advocates call for deeper examination of issues as Disability Royal Commission submissions come to an end

As we approach the end of 2022, the public engagement phase of the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) is drawing to a close, with the final date for all submissions set for 31 December 2022. Significant progress has been made by the DRC in examining violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability. However, 8 Disability Representative Organisations including DANA have recently collaborated on a joint submission outlining gaps we perceive in the scope of work undertaken to date and issues that require further examination. It includes suggestions for a deeper look into critical areas.

Read more about Disability advocates call for deeper examination of issues as Disability Royal Commission submissions come to an end

CALD Communities and the Disability Royal Commission – support services available and helpful resources

CALD Communities and the Disability Royal Commission – support services available and helpful resources

NEDA recently held a webinar focused on the issues facing culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and how people can share their story. Useful information and links were circulated to attendees following the webinar, and you can find them shared here, along with some of the other useful DRC resources available in a range of community languages

Read more about CALD Communities and the Disability Royal Commission – support services available and helpful resources

Share your stories with the Disability Royal Commission

Share your stories with the Disability Royal Commission

People with disability, their family, supporters and advocates can share experiences of violence, neglect, abuse or exploitation with the Royal Commission. This helps the DRC learn more about the problem and how to help prevent it in the future. But 2022 is the final year for people to share their stories with the Disability Royal Commission. The final date for submissions is 31 December 2022.

Here are some resources to help you promote awareness of this important deadline. 

Read more about Share your stories with the Disability Royal Commission