One of the recommendations from the Disability Royal Commission that’s received a lot of attention sits in Volume 4: their recommendation that Australia should legislate a Disability Rights Act. This act would implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with...
Selected category: News
Royal Commission: Analysing the recommendations on complaint mechanisms
Complaint one-stop shops and accessible complaint pathways Today, in our series analysing the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) report we are again delving into one of the topics covered in Volume 11, Independent oversight and complaint mechanisms. In Chapter 2 the...
Royal Commission: Analysing the recommendations on community visitors
In Today’s analysis, we’re delving into another component of monitoring and safeguarding covered in Volume 11, Independent oversight and complaint mechanisms, of the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) final report. Chapter 4 explores the current and potential roles of...
Royal Commission: Analysing the recommendations on adult safeguarding
In an upcoming blog post, the DANA policy team will analyse the recommendations in Volume 10, Disability services concerning safeguarding functions in relation to the NDIS service settings. We will particularly look at what the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) has...
Royal Commission: Analysing the recommendations on restrictive practices
This week, we continue our analysis of the Final Report on the Disability Royal Commission (DRC), with our focus turning to the recommendations relating to restrictive practices. Many people with disability and advocates have looked to the Disability Royal Commission...
Royal Commission: Analysing the recommendations on housing and homelessness
Last week, we looked at the important role of independent disability advocacy and how it is reflected throughout the 12 volumes of the Disability Royal Commission Final Report. In continuing our analysis of the Royal Commission recommendations, we have turned our...