Mental Health and Wellbeing during COVID-19

Looking after your mental health and wellbeing during the physical isolation, stress and uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic is vital.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or sad, please reach out for support. Talking to someone can help.  If you would like to talk to someone now, you can contact:


Mental Health & Wellbeing during COVID-19

Examples, tips and strategies

World Health Organisation (WHO):

United Nations – UN NewsCOVID-19: Mental health in the age of coronavirus

Beyond BlueLooking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak

ABC NewsCoronavirus: Social distancing and isolation can take a toll on your mental health, here’s how some people are coping 

ACT Health – tips for Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Reach Out (Youth mental health resources) – Coping during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (or CDC, in the USA) – Manage Anxiety & Stress

Black Dog InstituteWorking from home: A checklist to support your mental health during Coronavirus

Resources for people with disability

Council for Intellectual Disability (CID)Look after your mental health during Coronavirus (Easy Read)

Advocacy for Inclusion podcast Staying Connected


First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN)

Video on Self care through Coronavirus


Please email Siobhan (policy [at] if you find any errors, or would like to suggest any useful advice or strategies that you’ve found.